13 Reasons Why not to watch 13 Reasons Why

There is a lot of buzz on internet about teenage novel turned into a drama “13 reasons why”. The story revolves around the 17 year old girl named Hannah Baker, who decided to commit suicide. The series begins when Hannah slit her wrist and found dead in the bathtub. Before committing suicide, she had recorded 13 cassette tape explaining what forced her to take this step. These tapes would explain later in the series the reasons and the people that lead her to her fate. The series gradually comes into its serious climax and ends up punishing every individual responsible for Hannah’s blood.

The series might have discussed a very serious subject matter but is not suitable for all audience. Here are the thirteen reasons one should not watch “13 reasons why”.

1. Suicide is not glamorous
Suicide is a SUICIDE, you can’t tag it with fancy and cheesy label to justify it. This clearly depicts that if you can’t handle the situation, it’s better to commit suicide just like Hannah did. 

2. Portraying Hannah Bakers as ROLE model
The series has glamorized a teenage girl who killed herself. While she was alive, no one gave her the due attention that she needed but once she killed herself, suddenly the whole school gets concerned - arranging memorial prayers for her, placing cards, bouquets & leaving good notes on her locker.  What message they are trying to give?As we all know movies do have some sort of impact just like “Finding Nemo” wasn’t really entertaining for a real clownfish. In the same way, when a high profile celebrity commits suicide, suicide rates across the nation tend to rise.  

3. Blame Game
Hannah blamed 13 people for her death. They all somehow hurt her in one way or other. But why don’t she blame herself because it was her own decision to take her life. Hannah throughout the series was blaming others for her failures, why hadn’t she tried to cope with herself, getting help if needed.

4. Suicide as Revenge
Somehow Hannah tried to make thirteen people guilty for her death. There is a horrible message that if you feel mistreated by others, killing yourself is the best decision for taking revenge. NO! This is not the message teenager should get. In my opinion, suicide is always a poor decision.

5. Suicidal Thoughts
According to the CNN reports from the Canadian Medial Association Journal, they say if a teenager is exposed to a peer's suicide, they are five times more likely to have suicidal thoughts.

6. Waiting for HELP!
Instead of helping herself, Hannah chose to QUIT! No doubt, sometimes things get worse, but you are the one who can help yourself and get out of it.

7. Suicide was the only Solution?
Was the Hannah Baker left with only one solution? There are alternatives to suicide, there is a HOPE, and there is OPTIMISM. Bulling shouldn’t be end up with suicide. There are the ways, but thing that matters is which way you prefer. Either you will end up cowardly or face the situation bravely.

8. Depression or Mental Illness
The whole plot was about Hannah Baker blaming others. Why didn’t they talk about Hannah’s depression or mental illness. More than 80% of the people who commit suicide suffers from severe mental illness.

9. Depressing Series EVER!
Once you are done with the series you’ll be doomed. You would keep relating your life with the series and will think about each and every person who wronged you.

10. Want to be Hannah’s Parent?
As it becomes trendy, kids are watching this show, with or without the permission. What do you expect from those innocent minds?

11. Trigger! Trigger! Trigger!
It may trigger suicidal thought in someone’s mind. Recently, a Peruvian man commit suicide and left 13 tapes behind. WHO is responsible for this mess?    

12. Disturbing Graphics
Graphics in the series were quite disturbing. Hannah has stolen razor from her father’s shop, cut her wrist and cried a lot. Within the seconds she was gone. Her blood was all around the washroom. The scene was actually very disturbing even for the adults. I believe they sketched a plot for someone who wants to quit.

13. Suicide Awareness
      No doubt, suicide is a serious issue which should be addressed in a proper way. Awareness is needed. But in this series the main focus was how to give up your life if things get out of control.

About Author

Hafsa Tariq Javed is the founder/Blogger at PostChasm. She had an experience of writing articles in Dawn Newspaper. She is passionate about her blog. You can connect her on Google++