Failure is not the End

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Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” ~
(Winston Churchill)

Failure? It is not just a word, it is fear which everyone has in their minds. Failures are sometime not acceptable by our society. Even YOU, you don’t accept the failure. The terror of failure torture you most than failure itself. You always wanted to be the part of winning team. Being the part of winning team is not bad. Nobody wants to label himself as the “Loser”. But what if you are not the part of winning team? Someone labeled you as a “LOSER”. People are insulting you on your failure. Is it the end? Of course Not! Failure is not the end. Failure is a word which describes the current situation, it doesn’t define you. Failure is just your past, but still you got the power to change your future. Every time you came across such stories of the famous people who failed in their school or were dropped out but still they got fame worldwide. The stories behind their success is their struggle to prove themselves. They worked hard to overcome their failure. You can also dodge your failure and mark your name in the world. Here are the few points by following these you can overcome your failure: 
  •         Part of life
Life is not easy. You will not get everything that you need in your life. So considering Failure as a part of life may heal your wounds.
  •        Never give up
Try! Try! Again, until you succeed. The most important lesson one should learn, that is not to give up. Failure is not your weakness, but if you don’t try to accomplish goal again that is the worst thing.
If you really want something, don't be afraid and give a try. 
  •       Blessing in disguise
Sometimes things don’t go like they should be. Sometimes it could be a blessing in the disguise.Two people were climbing Mount Everest in a competition, one of them was in the lead. The duo was hit by an avalanche and the person who was in the lead died instantly while the other survived. You sometimes lose to avoid a greater loss.
  •      Failure leaves signs
Failure always leaves some lesson. We need to figure that out. Learn from your mistakes and try not to repeat it.
  •          Own Your Failure:
Making mistake is common, but owning your mistake is the real challenge. Don’t blame anyone for your failure and admit it.
  •          Avoid Negativity:
Avoid such people who demotivate you. Just believe in yourself.
  •        Making Effort in wrong direction:
Sometimes you don’t fail, but you are struggling and putting effort in the wrong direction. Just make your goal clear and be sure of it what you need. According to Albert Einstein:

“Everybody is a genius, but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it’ll live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
  •         Trust in Allah:
Put mountain loads of trust in Allah. Because He is the one who can help you out. You will ultimately gain the confidence that nothing is impossible and can achieve your goal.

To sum it up, just have a strong believe in yourself and keep on trying until you succeed. It doesn't matter how much time you take to achieve your goal, the thing that matter is that you are trying.

About Author

Hafsa Tariq Javed is the founder/Blogger at PostChasm. She had an experience of writing articles in Dawn Newspaper. She is passionate about her blog. You can connect her on Google++