Myths related to Epilepsy

By: Amna Khan 

Have you heard about the word “Epilepsy” NO? Let me explain you, it is Greek word, means “Possession”. Most of the people think it is caused by possession of demons or any other supernatural power. But basically, it is chronic disorder, the hallmark of which is recurrent, unprovoked seizures. IT'S A MEDICAL CONDITION!! Which can lead to other medical problems and problem starts with brain, when there is overload of electrical signals in the brain. It causes the disturbance between brain cells and body start behaving abnormally. Symptoms of Epilepsy are quiet vague. It may vary from person to person. Here is the list of some of them: 
  1.  Person falls.
  2.  Become unresponsive to any instruction
  3.  Blackout or confused memory 
  4.  Loses the temper 
  5.  Become fearful 
  6.  Body becomes stiff 
  7.  Sleep disorder 
  8.  Fainting 
And the list goes on and on.

Source: United Needs & Abilities

There are various myths related to “Epilepsy”, let’s decipher facts from fiction. Here is the list: 

           1)   Myth: Epilepsy is a possession of Demon. 
Source: Spiritual Possession Causes Epilepsy

Fact: Although most people have long recognized that epilepsy is not a form of possession, some cultures still believe this. Awareness is spreading all around but this myth is hard to break.

2)    Myth: Epilepsy is contagious
Source: Zazzle
Fact: It's NOT contagious… just like flu is not transmitted from person to person.

3)    Myth: You are born with epilepsy. The cause is genetic.
Source: CURE Epilepsy
Fact: In most cases about 65 to 70 percent, the cause of epilepsy is not known. Anyone can develop epilepsy at any time. But Yes! Genetically risk is higher, if someone in your family have epilepsy.
                           4)    Myth: Epilepsy affects intelligence.
Source: Pinterest
Fact: Increased frequency of seizures and medicines can make learning difficult for the patients but the level of intelligence is same as those without epilepsy.

5)   Myth: People with epilepsy can’t work, can’t even study properly at schools. Neither they have children nor lead normal lives.
Source: Epilepsy Foundation
Fact: Epilepsy is not barrier in working well in school or excelling in workplace. They can live normal lives and can have a family. It is mental condition can be overcome if one managed to and can live like a normal person.

6)   Myth: During a seizure, you can swallow your tongue.
Source: 25 Doctors
Fact: Physically it is impossible. Nothing should ever go into the person’s mouth during seizure.

7)    Myth: Seizures are always medical emergencies and you should call ambulance. 
Source : Pinterest
Fact: Physically Seizures are most often not medical emergencies and an ambulance is not always required. You just have to follow few steps to keep patient save from any sort of injury.

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