How to increase AdSense earning in legal ways

Recently, the trend of online publishing started emerging. Over the years, it grew up to an extent that people thought of using it as a platform to advertise their businesses and hence, the trend of we-ads came into being. Now, most of the websites and blogs over the internet have enabled ads of their platforms that help them earn revenue.
Considering the evolving digital publishing trend, Google, in 2003, decided to introduce a program by the name ‘AdSense’ to allow publishers to monetize their content. Anyone can use the service to post ads not only on websites but also on YouTube videos.
However, ever since the involvement of money, a number of people started pulling off frauds to increase their revenue.  But, there are a number of totally moral and legal ways to increase your AdSense revenue without doing any bad stuff. So, let’s have a look at the legal ways you can use to increase your AdSense earnings.

·         Place your ads at a suitable place in a suitable size
Ad placement should be well thought so that it does not appear to the user as annoying or distracting. A general rule I came across while researching for my personal blog was that ads should be placed at the top of the article if the article is short and should be placed in the middle of the article is long.

·         Ad amount
I’ve seen various websites that bombard their pages with a lot of ads. This is a very wrong practice. Not a lot of ads should be posted on the site because this can be very annoying for the end-user and he/she might never consider coming back to your site again because of one experience.

·         Make websites SEO optimized
Since SEO optimized websites have better page ranks, they are given preference by the Google’s algorithms and are given better ads on the priority basis.

·         Heart Maps
Heart maps basically identify where and at which part of the website or webpage that a user is visiting will he spend most of the time. Having these statistics in hand, one can make decisions about the ad placements.

·         Post content on trending topics
A great way to increase your revenue is to publish content on topics that are in news or are viral on the internet. This way, more people will be attracted to your posts and there will be increased traffic. One important tip here is for publishers having niche blogs, even if the topic is not directly related to your niche, you can write content from a different perspective that relates to your niche.

·         Targeted advertisement
Although AdSense ads are mostly displayed related to the content presented on the topic, you can even make them more relevant so that more people are attracted to these. For example, if you are writing an article about the best donut flavors, you can include an ad for a donut shop. This way, you can earn an even larger revenue.