How to keep RAM free and save battery in Android

Everything seems to have a limit and so does the memory on your phones or laptops. We usually come across the situation where our cell phone’s operating system notifies us that the phone’s memory is full. At times, this results in slow speed and different other issues. Another issue that is closely related to the previous one is about the phone’s battery time. However, the root for both of these problems is somewhat the same i.e. too much activity going on over the phone.
Before moving any forward, let me give you a brief idea of what RAM is, in case you are not familiar with it. RAM is basically the memory space used by the phone by the application that is in current use. Like if you have a game installed on your phone, it will be in the storage space but as soon as you instantiate the game, it moves to the RAM’s space until you close it.
That being said, one can easily agree with me on the point that low RAM and quick battery draining can be very annoying. It not only causes various issues but can eventually make it almost impossible to effectively use the device. Therefore, this post provides you with tips on how to keep RAM free and save battery on android phones.

·         Avoid using live wallpapers
Live wallpapers seem to use a lot of battery and RAM mainly because of the animation effect involved in them. Using static wallpapers instead of living ones can save battery and free up some RAM.

·         Reduce the screen brightness
Screen brightness is a very famous factor in draining any device’s battery. This is mainly because the more brightness you have on your screen, the more power it will be needed to light up the LEDs used for lighting up the screen and hence, more power would be consumed.

·         Decrease screen timeout
Screen timeout is the time it takes the device’s screen to turn off after inactivity by the user. Similar to brightness, this factor also affects the battery time of the device. So, by reducing both brightness and timeout, one can decrease the power consumption.

·         Don’t use vibration mode
Vibration mode uses up a lot of energy and hence, more battery power is used. The mode should be disabled in order to preserve battery

·         Disable running applications
Sometimes, even after you close the apps, they still keep on running and stay in the RAM’s space. One way to free up RAM space is to kill or disable all running apps.

·         Turn on the power-saver mode on the phone
Power-saver mode can be effective in preserving the battery’s power as it automatically ensures that no unnecessary activity gets carried out when not required resulting in better performance.

·         Disable Wi-Fi when not in use

Both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth use a lot of battery so it is better to turn them off when you do not need to use them.